“Tele- Health” means, in short, provision of mental health services with Estelle Fineberg and recipient of services being in separate locations, and the services being delivered over electronic media. Services delivered via Tele-Health rely on a number of electronic, often Internet-based, technology tools. These tools can include videoconferencing software, email, text messaging, virtual environments, specialized mobile health apps, and others.

How Does Distance Counseling Work?

Ideally, make sure you have access to the Internet and we will send you a link to connect with Estelle online. It is best if you are in a private area without distractions during the meeting. If you cannot be in a private area, I recommend using a headset to protect part of the conversation. During the session, please turn off the alerts on your computer and any music or television playing in the background.

I typically set appointments for 50 minutes. We can decide this together during the intake session.

What Are the Benefits and Risks of Online Meetings?

Potential Benefits: Services via Tele-Health allows you to: Receive services at times or in places where the service may not otherwise be available. Receive services in a fashion that may be more convenient and less prone to delays than in-person meetings. Receive services when you are unable to travel to the service provider’s office.

Potential Risks: services via Tele-Health has the following risks: Tele-Health services can be impacted by technical failures, may introduce risks to your privacy, and may reduce your service provider’s ability to directly intervene in crises or emergencies.

Assessing if Tele-Health is a fit for you?

Although it is well validated by research, service delivery via Tele-Health is not a good fit for every person. Estelle will continuously assess if working via Tele-Health is appropriate for your case. If it is not appropriate, your provider will help you find in-person providers with whom to continue services. Please talk to Estelle if you find the Tele-Mental Health media so difficult to use that it distracts from the services being provided, if the medium causes trouble focusing on your services, or if there are any other reasons why the Tele-Mental Health medium seems to be causing problems in receiving services.

Raising your questions or concerns will not, by itself, result in termination of services. Bringing your concerns to Estelle is often a part of the process.

You also have a right to stop receiving services by Tele-Health at any time without prejudice. If Estelle provides services in-person and you are reasonably able to access Estelle’s in-person services, you will not be prevented from accessing those services if you choose to stop using Tele-Health.

Our Communication Plan:

The best way to contact Estelle between sessions is through telephone: 954-766-9964 or email: [email protected], and or text which will be provided to you at our first session.

Our work is done primarily during our appointed sessions, which will generally occur during normal business hours.

Contact between sessions should be limited to: Confirming or changing appointment times or billing questions. Estelle is in the Eastern Standard Time zone. Please note the time difference from your own time zone.

Please note that all textual messages you exchange with your provider, e.g. emails and text messages, will become a part of your record. Estelle may coordinate care with one or more of your other providers. Estelle will use reasonable care to ensure that those communications are secure and that they safeguard your privacy.